Homework is an important part of every child's education but finding time to help your child get their homework done can be a challenge for your busy family. To ease the burden on families, we run a Homework Centre three afternoons per week, Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday from 3-4pm.
What is a Homework Centre?

A Homework Centre provides a supervised and
suitable learning environment where your child can complete their homework before they come home from school. Homework Centres provide your child additional learning time with their peers, and support good study habits. Homework Centre sessions are free. The sessions are supervised by teacher aides.
Who can attend a Homework Centre?
Any student of a Rocklea State School can attend and participation is voluntary.
What will my child do at the Homework Centre?
Your child can complete their homework tasks under the supervision of teacher aides after school. Personalised tuition or academic counselling is not provided. As well as their school-based learning, your child may also participate in other activities designed to support their health and wellbeing, such as reading. Our Homework Centre sessions are based on the age, learning and development needs of the students attending. A healthy snack will also be provided.
How do I register my child in a Homework Centre?
Complete the registration form provided to you by administration. If you have any queries regarding Homework Centre, please contact our administration team.